│ Bondster

14. 12. 2022

To the Russian loan provider, Lime Zaim still applies the restrictions on payments from Russian banks to banks in so-called “not-friendly countries”.

Over the past months, we have been looking for and analyzing various options for the safe and legal transfer of funds to the Czech Republic. We have set up an account abroad to which Russian rubles can be sent and exchanged into euros. We are currently testing the transaction and verifying whether the Czech bank will accept the transfer. If the transaction goes through, we will test the transfer from the Russian Federation. If the solution found proves to be optimal, we are ready to receive funds from Lime Zaim to cover the buybacks.

The transfer of money from the Russian Federation is very complicated due to the current situation. Competing platforms (such as Mintos) are also unable to receive any funds.

We ask all our investors for patience. We are confident that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible and we will soon credit the funds to your accounts on Bondster.

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