Meet Creditero, our new loan provider

July 29, 2024 News
We have just added a new provider to the Bondster platform offer: CREDIRECT PRESTAMOS SLU, which specializes in consumer loans and operates the Creditero loan platform in Spain. The primary focus of the company is short-term non-bank financing and the interest rate on the loans offered for investment is currently 10% p.a.
The Spanish loan platform Creditero has been on the market since 2021. It is operated by the Madrid-based CREDIRECT PRESTAMOS SLU, part of the multinational financial group MV Finance. The group is also successfully growing its loan business in Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Moldova, and aims to expand further.
On the Creditero website, it is possible to apply for a short-term consumer loan ranging from 100 to 300 euros. Returning customers can apply for a loan of up to 600 euros. The average loan term is 25 days. Even though the loans are not secured by movable property, Creditero offers investors a buyback guarantee. If a loan has been in arrears for over 60 days, investors will get back the entire outstanding principal including interest.
One of the main advantages of Creditero’s financing is the easy and quick processing of a loan application. The whole process takes place online. In the application, applicants indicate the desired amount and fill in the required information. If approved, they will receive the money in their account within 15 minutes. To speed up the process of arranging a loan and also to help manage risks effectively, Creditero actively employs modern technologies.
The loan provider also carries out a thorough assessment of applicants’ creditworthiness. For that, it uses its own scoring model, which takes into account, for example, the credit history and demographic characteristics of the applicant. This way, the provider can minimize the risk of loan default.
The company’s CEO is Ivaylo Ibrishimov, who has extensive experience in managing companies in fast-growing, high-tech and regulated environments in several countries. His areas of expertise include IT, finance, customer service, marketing and risk management. The financial statements available are proof of the company’s good financial condition and its dynamic growth in recent years. Bondster’s analyst team has assigned the provider a B assessment.
Need more information?
We have the company’s presentation and its financial results prepared for you.
More about CrediteroAuthor of the article: Roman Muller
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