Invest in loans secured by real estate from ACEMA │ Bondster

Real estate investments

Invest in loans provided by a Czech company Acema

Real estate investments offered on Bondster are provided by a Czech lender ACEMA which has been operating on the local market for over 20 years and its real estate loans offer investors a return of up to 10% p.a. All loans are approved and financed by ACEMA which gives investors the opportunity to share in the returns with minimum risk.

The loans are secured by real estate and their value significantly exceeds the amount of the loan granted. In case the borrower defaults on the loan, the real estate is sold and investors’ claims are satisfied. This makes investments in real estate safer than traditional investments. Most of them also offer the possibility of early termination.

Investice do úvěrů české společnosti ACEMA

Current offer of loans secured by real estate

The entire investment offer is available to registered users only.

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Acema in numbers

ACEMA Credit Czech is a purely Czech company that has been providing loans to companies and sole traders for over 20 years. So far, ACEMA has helped over 10,000 clients with a total amount exceeding CZK 6 billion.

average annual return

9,9 %

average annual return

satisfied investors

7 857

satisfied investors

invested in Bondster

53,9 million EUR

invested in Bondster

available to invest

2,0 million EUR

available to invest

We have already successfully funded 180 ACEMA projects through Bondster

Michal Šrámek

Michal Šrámek

Michal Šrámek has been running a florist since 2018 where he sells plants he grows himself. He also sells cut flowers for various events such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries or funerals. The florist also offers authentic bouquets, seasonal decorations, small gift items, ceramics and gardening supplies.

David Engel

David Engel

David Engel opened the Do prkýnka restaurant in 2012. Apart from that, he also provides training for gastronomic establishments for the company Montycon, with which he has been cooperating for over 16 years. The quality of meals offered and the range of accompanying activities helped the company to withstand the covid-impacted period without significant problems.

M.P.E.O. HK s.r.o.

M.P.E.O. HK s.r.o.

The company from Hradec Králové has been providing accounting and related services for 27 companies for over 5 years. It has one employee and four independent contractors. M.P.E.O. HK will use the loan for operational financing to bridge a period when clients affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are in arrears with their invoice payments.

How investing on Bondster works

1. Create a free account

Create a free account

In a few minutes, you can easily create an account online on your computer and get access to the entire investment offer. Creating an account does not bind you to anything – no obligations or flat fees. It is entirely up to you when you start investing.

2. Choose an investment product

Choose an investment product

We offer a number of loans from verified providers – all you need to do is to choose the ones you want to invest in. We provide detailed information on each offer and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

3. You are making money!

You are making money!

It is easy and you can do everything just with your computer. In your user profile, you can see all your investments. The yield from investments is credited to you every month and you can transfer it to your bank account at any time.

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