Share your experience with Bondster with your friends and earn even more! │ Bondster

Referral bonus

Share your experience with Bondster with your friends and earn even more!

Bondster has prepared a referral bonus thanks to which your friends can earn money too. By participating in the referral program, both you and the person you refer get a 1% bonus on the investments the referred person makes. Recommend Bondster to the people you know and look forward to your bonus.

Recommend to friends
Share your experience with Bondster with your friends and earn even more!

How does it work?

Recommend Bondster to the people you know and look forward to your bonus.

How does it work?
The investor sends the invitation to his or her friends
Your friends accept the invitation and start investing
Bondster includes you and your friends into the referral program
Bondster credits the bonus to you and to the friends you recommended
Recommend to friends

    How to do it?

    Enter your PROMO code, which is your unique investor ID. If you don't know it, log in to your investor account, click on your name in the top right corner and select MY PROFILE tab. You will see your investor ID in the profile that appears. After filling in the PROMO code, you can choose from several invitation options.

    Your PROMO code (investor ID):

    Option 1: Enter your friends´ email addresses

    OPTION 1:
    Enter your friends' e-mail addresses

    Option 2: Use the link below for sharing

    OPTION 2:
    Use the link for sharing

    After sending the invitations, your friends receive a notification informing them about the benefits of investing on Bondster. If they register, transfer money to their investor account and invest in loans denominated in CZK or EUR, both you and them will receive a 1% bonus from the increase of funds invested in loans on Bondster within the first 90 days since their registration.

    Example of a bonus calculation from the investments made by your friends

    Example of a bonus calculation from the investments made by your friends Example of a bonus calculation from the investments made by your friends

    Your total bonus €70

    The amount of bonus is unlimited. If the person you refer invests €50,000 on Bondster, both of you will receive €500 back.

    The amount of bonus is thus the same for both of you and is paid out over a 90-day period.
    The bonus is calculated separately for investments in EUR and investments in CZK.

    Wait no more and recommend Bondster to people you know. Don´t let their money lie idle on saving accounts or pricey bank products with no return. Investors on Bondster have average annual earnings of 13,9 % p.a. in EUR.

    Recommend to friends
    average annual return

    11,9 %

    average annual return

    invested since 2017

    219,0 million EUR

    invested since 2017

    paid out in interest

    10,7 million EUR

    paid out in interest


    21 989


    You might ask

    Recommend BONDSTER to a friend and tell them to enter your BONDSTER investor ID (your variable symbol) as a promo code when registering. Once the referred investor, who has entered your promo code, invests any amount within 90 days from the date of concluding the user account agreement, you and the referred investor become entitled to a bonus of 1% of the amount of funds invested by the referred investor during that period.

    The bonus is always paid for a 30-day period, in the amount corresponding to the increase of the invested funds during that period. The bonus is credited in the month following the month of entitlement. For example: The 30th day after signing the contract falls on 15 January 2022. The bonus will be credited by the fifth day of the following month, i.e. by 5 February 2022.

    Recommend to friends
    Referral Conditions

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