Adjustment of Limits on the Secondary Market: New Boundaries for Discounts and Premiums │ Bondster


Adjustment of Limits on the Secondary Market: New Boundaries for Discounts and Premiums

Adjustment of Limits on the Secondary Market: New Boundaries for Discounts and Premiums

March 10, 2025 News

Changes are being made to trading limits on Bondster’s secondary market. The maximum discount when selling investments is now limited to 15% and the maximum premium to 5%. Previously, it was possible to offer a discount of up to 50% and a premium of up to 10%.

On the secondary market, Bondster platform users can trade loans that have already been funded on the primary market – they can sell them or purchase them from other investors. This gives them another opportunity to diversify their portfolio while increasing investment liquidity.

If an investor needs to access their funds before a loan reaches maturity, they can offer it for sale on the secondary market. When selling, the loan price can be set with a premium if the investment has attractive parameters, or with a discount to accelerate the sale. Buyers can thus obtain investments under more favorable conditions or with interest rates that are not available on the primary market.


Details of the new limits:

  • Maximum discount when selling an investment is now 15%. Previously, it was possible to set a discount of up to 50%.
  • Maximum premium is now limited to 5%. The seller can increase the price by a maximum of 5% above the current value. Before the change, the maximum premium was 10%.

These changes aim to prevent extreme price fluctuations and create a more transparent and balanced environment for trading on the secondary market.

If you have any further questions or need advice, do not hesitate to contact our customer support at +420 283 061 555 or by email at


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