Loans from the Czech provider Sim půjčka have been repaid

May 2, 2022 Announcements | For investors
The Czech lender Sim půjčka, which encountered financial difficulties related to the coronavirus crisis in 2020 and was unable to meet its obligations to investors, paid off the entire debt. Thanks to a well-chosen strategy of debt recovery and consistent negotiations with Sim půjčka representatives, our team at Bondster managed to achieve the best possible result: a lump sum payment of the remaining principal, including interest. This means that all affected investors will be returned 100% of their original investment, including the interest for the entire period of delay. The delay in payment has been therefore compensated by the higher amount of interest earned.
All affected investors have already been paid the principal and interest including the entire period of non-payment. This makes Sim půjčka the second provider, after Lime South Africa, which got into difficulties during the coronavirus crisis we managed to make meet their obligations to investors in full.
We believe you are pleased with this news and that you will continue investing with us to beat inflation. Currently, there are more than 11,000 investment opportunities to choose from!
Author: Martin Kašpar
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