Investment statistics | Investing in loans in numbers │ Bondster

Bondster in numbers

Number of investors

The number of investors on Bondster grows by about 3% per month. On average, 2,570 new investors from Central and Western Europe join us every year.

22 137

investors are currently investing with us

Volume of loans offered vs. funded

We bring attractive offers in which it pays to invest money. In total, our investors have already invested 221,3 million EUR on the Bondster market.

2,6 million EUR

invested by investors in the last month

Funded vs Offered in EUR in total

Interest paid out

The amount of interest paid out grows with the number of investors as well as the financial attractivity of the investments offered.

1,9 million EUR

paid out to investors for last 12 months

Structure of loans by their returns

We achieve high returns thanks to a careful selection of quality and creditworthy loan providers.

16 - 17 % p.a.

is the yield on the loans in which our investors most often invest

11.8% number of invested loans from active loan providers

Structure of investments by providers and types of loans

The most popular provider on Bondster is the Czech company Acema. The most sought-after type of investment are secured consumer loans.

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