Huddle Capital Group is a new provider on Bondster

June 12, 2023 For investors | News
The number of providers on the platform Bondster has grown in June with another loan provider joining it – the British Huddle Capital Group, which focuses on financing small and medium-sized companies. The average interest rate offered on loan investments is 12.8 %.
The financial company Huddle Capital Group is based in Great Britain. It specializes in financing small and medium-sized enterprises that have been unable to secure the necessary funding for their operations or development from traditional banks. The company’s management sees strong growth potential in this segment.
According to Huddle Capital Group findings, traditional lenders are often limited by regulation, low-risk appetite and complicated internal processes. This creates a significant gap in the market and many interesting investment opportunities.
Huddle Capital Group provides loans from 50 thousand up to 10 million pounds. The loan term usually ranges between 6 to 24 months. The company is responsible for providing and managing the loans granted. It uses its own funds to finance the loans it provides, while a part of its loan portfolio is then offered for investment. Loan applications are always assessed individually, and a thorough credit check of the borrower is a matter of course. Each loan agreement is governed by and enforceable under English law.
The company’s COO is Louisa Klouda, who is in charge of all investor relations and raising new capital. Before joining Huddle Capital Group, she led a brokerage services department at a London-based brokerage firm. Louisa holds a BA in Mathematics and Economics from Newcastle University.
Bondster’s analyst team has assigned Huddle Capital a B assessment.
Author of the article: Roman Muller
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