
Information about loan providers Lime Zaim and Kviku
Dear investors, We would like to inform you about the ongoing situation regarding the difficult…

CEO of Bondster in the P2P Cafe podcast
Pavel Klema was a guest on the podcast done by Lars Wrobbel and Thomas Butz…

Krita is a new provider on Bondster
The Icelandic company Krita founded in 2009 focuses on short-term loans with maximum use of…

Bondster took part in the INVEST conference in Stuttgart
The investing conference INVEST took place on 20 and 21 May in Stuttgart, Germany, and…

P2P EMPIRE visited Bondster
Jakub Krejčí came to Prague, where the Bondster platform is based, to see what it…

Loans from the Czech provider Sim půjčka have been repaid
The Czech lender Sim půjčka, which encountered financial difficulties related to the coronavirus crisis in…

Invitation to the INVEST conference in Stuttgart
This year, our team will take part in INVEST – one of the largest investment…

Cryptocurrency-secured loans are in great favour on Bondster
Last year in autumn, we introduced loans secured by Bitcoin to our Bondster P2B marketplace….
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